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Saturday, 31 May 2014

Numbers of racially prejudiced in North East soar

A report in the Evening Chronicle states

'According to research by the British Social Attitudes Survey the number of North East people admitting to being racially prejudiced has increased

The number of North East people admitting to being racially prejudiced has soared since the Millennium.

Back in 2000 only 13% of those in the region said they held such views, the lowest figure in the UK.

However, according to research by the British Social Attitudes Survey, the number has more than doubled to 29% in 2013.

While the North East still falls behind the two regions with the biggest number - Yorkshire and Humberside and the West Midlands with 36% - it still represents the largest leap of all UK regions in the 13 years between the surveys.

Hari Shukla, vice chair of the Newcastle Council of Faiths who has devoted 40 years to improving race relations in the city for which he was awarded an OBE, said: “It’s disappointing that after the work that’s been done over the last 40 years there are still these pockets of ignorance.

“It shows we can’t relax and we need to keep at it all the time.”

He said a lot of the prejudice is based on myths about immigrants coming to this country and taking jobs or claiming benefits which become particularly poisonous during times of hardship like now.

“If you look at history, people who have come to the region have come to work and they have provided jobs for the indigenous population,” he said.

In the recent local and European elections, the right wing anti immigration party Ukip made sweeping gains including landing its first ever MEP for the region, Jonathan Arnott.

Mr Arnott said on being elected that his was the party “that says no to uncontrolled immigration”.

Mr Shukla added: “Certain political parties use things to help them win votes. Certain parties have an agenda.”

He said that nobody was for uncontrolled immigration.

However he added: “We need to highlight the positive things that have resulted from immigration. Of course there have been problems but immigrants have put millions into the local economy and added to the cultural life of the community.”

Meanwhile, Newcastle Central MP Chi Onwurah said she was saddened by the figures.

“As a child growing up in Newcastle I often experienced racism, indeed some places were no go areas to me because of it.

“But then as a city we worked hard for understanding, tolerance, good neighbourliness – to enjoy each others’ differences and celebrate our strengths.

“So it is sad and indeed tragic if we really are going back to the bad old days of blaming someone’s skin colour for the challenges we all face.

“I’m on Newcastle doorsteps every week, I do not believe that almost one in three people is racist – I do think however that many are being told that being racist is the only way to address a recession caused by an out-of-control global financial sector and for which this Tory-led Government is still disproportionately targeting the North East.

“The housing crisis, job insecurity, low pay and exploitation these are real problems but they can and must be tackled without racism.”

Chronicle report HERE


What the reporter probably didn't know is that MP Chi Onwurah who is featured in the article has herself racist views. In fact it was only a week ago that she was reported by some members of the public for making a racist comment on 'twitter' directed towards the EDL and the public who attended our regional protest in Newcastle.

We dont expect any action to be taken towards Chi Onwurah about this comment because experience has taught us that when an asian or black person in power makes any type of racial slurs towards the EDL or white people in general nothing ever happens to them.

A good example of this was when Dipu Ahad an elected Newcastle muslim labour councillor retweeted a picture of a loaf of bread which had been changed to read 'Soft White Thick' and '100% British CUNT'.

Many members of the public were outraged with Dipu about this racist picture and promptly reported him to Northumbria police, however yet again no action was taken for this racist post.

It seems to us that the old saying 'only white people can be racist' is in fact becoming more, and more true.

More reading:
Evening Chronicle: Police drop case
Civil Liberty: Ugly White Men

Friday, 30 May 2014

Operation Sanctuary

It came as no surprise when earlier this year 2014, Northumbria Police launched 'Operation Sanctuary', so said a local vicar, who claimed local officials within Newcastle and those in authority had known about such child grooming matters for years.

However, recently, over the past few years there has been a Child Grooming epidemic across Britain.
A week hasn't gone by in this country, without reading local and occasionally national newspapers, with headlines of Pakistani, muslim grooming gangs finally standing trial, after concerted efforts by those in local council authority and police forces to attempt to hide the truth and the scale of this political scandal, involving the grooming of young "white British" schoolchildren, dating back many years.
During this same period, to dampen down the pointing of fingers directly at the Pakistani muslim community, it has continually been argued, by apologists usually within an official authority capacity, that child grooming and sexual exploitation takes place within all communities, which just may well be so, but what isn't normally taking place, is child grooming by ethnic groups towards a specifically targeted other group, that being, "young white British school girls" groomed by muslim men. Some owning takeaway or local shops or businesses, whilst others have been taxi drivers or friends of friends, of younger muslim boys sent out to target young vulnerable white girls to enslave as sex objects to be exploited at the hands of muslim elders whim, some involving gang rapes and other sickening acts of depravity and torture, towards young female victims of school age.

Within the North East of England during the same period nothing as horrifyingly, on this scale was reported or so it seemed, but was lurking in the back streets of local towns and cities, apart from the whispers of what could was. It wasn't until a young local schoolgirl was stalked on her way home on a street in Newcastle, before being dragged by knifepoint onto wasteland to be repeatedly,brutally raped and then robbed, after being threaten with her life, that some people began to sit up and take notice. Worryingly for a labour councillor, a local Bangladeshi muslim youth was finally charged.
During the same period, local members of the North East EDL were hearing of other child grooming and rape cases around the region. However, during a formal interview, detectives from the Serious Crime Dept at Northumbria Police, denied ever knowing of any child rape /grooming incidents involving muslim men, within the Northumbria force area. Clearly, this was untrue, because cases had already been published within local newspapers.
After concerns for a young local girl in January, Northumbria Police launched 'Operation Sanctuary'.
What was also not surprising, was the "politically correct" manner in which the local media reports, via Northumbria Police and probably the local council authority, reported that this operation was set-up to," investigate allegations of a series of sexual offences within Newcastle, but also in other local authority areas, involving a number of men from a range of communities and vulnerable female victims, including school girls and young adults".

The original grooming scandal in Rochdale was said to have been an isolated incident, was by now, well on its way from being an epidemic to a pandemic, as other police forces across the country began investigating and charging muslim grooming gangs, but surprisingly within this local Operation Sanctuary investigation which it had been claimed, a number of arrests were made from a variety of different communities, over the past months, those appearing in court having been charged with child rapes and grooming offences were men only from the muslim community. Most recently in march this year, Northumbria Police decided to change the scope of the investigations of Operation Sanctuary, to now include all aspects of sexual and violent crimes against young girls and vulnerable females. To date there has now been 91 arrests and 14 people charged with offences. What still remains unclear, is the actual number of those charged within the original investigation which commenced in January, after concerns were raised for a young girl, as since then, there has been involvement of separate cases not connected to the original Operation Sanctuary Investigation which is still ongoing, but open now to include most sexual or violent crimes directed at any females committed by any male(s).

Author: Mitch

Official Operation Sanctuary update: HERE

Northumbria Police arrest 15 on rape offences in Newcastle's West End

Community meeting called in Newcastle's West End on Operation Sanctuary


Five more arrests as part of Operation Sanctuary

West End community's shock at child sex exploitation allegations

A new lease of life for the EDL

Police keep predominantly Muslim protestors away from EDL

Despite the defection (to a state-funded pro-Muslim group) and later jailing (for mortgage fraud) of the English Defence League leader, 'Tommy Robinson', the EDL held a very successful demonstration in Rotherham, in south Yorkshire, at the weekend against the Muslim grooming gangs that have plagued the predominantly English working class town recently.

The success of the demo has been confirmed not just by the EDL itself, but by one of the left-wing activists who turned out to oppose them.

Writing on Urban 75, a "left-leaning" internet forum, the activist said:

"The Rotherham EDL demo looked big. About 500 I reckon. And fairly disciplined - no arrests as far as I know (at the demo at least) and lots of stewards who stopped them from attacking the police/throwing things effectively. I actually heard snippets of their speeches for a change as well - which included grievances against social services and tuition fees, as well as the usual sharia law bollocks."

The activist continued: "Our side were a fucking embarrassment. On one side, the usual UAF frenzy (complete with Labour councillors claiming there were "no problems in Rotherham" and someone else calling for "unity among people of all classes"!) On the other, the rather sullen AFN (Anti-Fascist Network/Antifa) types chanting in Spanish. I hate these demos but I consider it a point of pride to get to them when they're on my home turf. I don't really know why I bothered today. At most we numbered 150 and we were very divided - it was obvious half the anti-fash there hate the UAF."

Although the demo was relatively peaceful, due to a heavy police presence, a group of black-clad and masked AFN attempted to attack a pub in the area used by nationalists but were given short shrift by some locals who objected to their obvious trouble-making and weird foreign chants.

Another commentator on the Urban 75 forum, who is based in the north east of England, said in response to the events in Rotherham: "There's a big difference between London/Brighton/Bristol, where there is a counter culture of some description. And up north, there is no 'left' up here. There is very, very small numbers of anti-fash who will actually turn out but you're talking incredibly small numbers. Meanwhile, NF and EDL get 100-300 fighting types regularly with limited or no opposition at all."

The disgruntled north east leftist concluded: "The Labour/UAF lot would rather grass antis up than work with them and there's the older veterans who just slag the youngsters off. The vast majority of the population up here just don't care about politics at all, but the minority who do, who are on the streets, who walk around without any hassle are the far-right. Don't know why they don't move that March for England to Newcastle. They would love that shit up here!"

This coming weekend the local EDL has called a protest in Newcastle against Muslim grooming gangs in the city.

The far-left, divided and demoralised as it is, has called for a counter-protest, distributing leaflets with the headline "Newcastle Untes Against the EDL" (sic).

The EDL in the north east of England is one of the best organised and popular of the independent-minded regional EDL groupings now taking shape across large parts of England.

The Rotherham protest has illustrated that the EDL has a future as the premier militant nationalist street protest movement and the forthcoming Newcastle event can only confirm that process.

Report by: Civil Liberty

Asian men still at large over Middlesbrough cashpoint robbery scam

Police believe these three men are working as a team to steal money after the scam was caught on CCTV at Santander Bank on Linthorpe Road

The three men who are alleged to be running a cashpoint robbery scam preying on elderly and disabled people are still at large.
The men are believed to be working as a team to distract shoppers and staff before stealing money.
They are alleged to have stolen from a woman who was using a cash machine in Santander Bank, in Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough.
Officers are also urging the public to be vigilant and “mindful” of the scam.
A spokeswoman for Cleveland Police said after the men entered the bank, one of them distracted the ‘help desk’ staff while the other two targeted a lady at the cash machine.
One man dropped a £5 note on the floor, slightly behind the woman using the machine, and told the victim she had dropped the note.
As she bent down to pick it up, a second male, on the other side of the machine, reached over to remove the cash dispensed from the machine.
Sgt Peter Graham from Cleveland Police said: “The victim is left waiting for the cash, not realising it has already been stolen by the second person.”
The incident happened on Tuesday at 11.15am.
The three male suspects – all in their mid twenties and of slim build, are believed to be of Eastern European origin.
They were mainly wearing dark clothing, and all had short dark hair and one was wearing a baseball cap.
The Cleveland Police spokeswoman said officers believe the men may have also attempted to use this method to gain cash at other banks in the area.
She said: “Police are urging the public to be mindful of this scam.”
Sgt Graham added: “Please be vigilant and let us know if someone tries to distract you.”
Anyone with information or anyone who thinks they may also have been a victim of the scam is asked to contact police on the non-emergency 101 number.
Read the report: HERE

Thursday, 29 May 2014


Teenage girl victim of grooming gang 'raped by 30 men in just six hours including father and schoolboy son'

Rochdale, Birmingham, Newcastle, Sheffield, Derby, Peterborough, Oxford, the list of of cities with grooming gangs grows and grows… For too long the fear of being branded racist has prevented police and social services from investigating these crimes.
We watched the lengthening list of cities and decided that something had to be done. That the police had to stop pretending there wasn’t a problem and DO something. Did they? No. It was easier to call us racist than admit we were right. It’s always been the coward’s way of responding to an argument against which you have no defence – demonise your opponent – call them ‘bigots’ and ‘fascists’, label them ‘far right’ and, when all else fails, call them ‘islamophobes’.  But calling us names, shouting us down at demonstrations, disrupting our protests with union-supported gangs of left-wing thugs did not make the problem go away, any more than communist agitators calling UKIP fascist will make the immigration problem go away.
We didn’t go away either. Year after year, faithful supporters, patriots, liberals, gave up their free time, dug deep in their pockets for expensive rail and bus tickets and joined us on the streets up and down the country. We kept up our protests, we refused to be silent and fortunately someone looked a little further than the far-left propaganda and listened …
None of the official accounts of how the nation woke up to the grooming gang phenomenon mention the effect of the EDL, but it is clear that the EDL were protesting about this issue throughout 2010.

On 3 August 2010, the local Blackpool newspaper reported that “more than 150 members of the English Defence League (EDL), which exists to shun Islam, protested on St Chad’s Headland, in South Shore – claiming to be demonstrating for justice for missing schoolgirl Charlene Downes.”

By May 2011, the EDL had held three demonstrations in Blackpool, focussing on the case of Charlene Downes in particular, but also with reference to the wider problem concerning Muslim grooming gangs. The third EDL demonstration in Blackpool had over 2000 EDL protesters present.

Between the EDL’s first demonstration about Muslim grooming gangs in Blackpool in 2010 and their third demonstration in 2011 Andrew Norfolk began to report on the grooming gangs (after a long period where we can find very little from him on this issue).

It is hard to establish whether the EDL were the cause of this turnaround, but certainly they were campaigning very visibly on this issue in the months before Norfolk wrote an article in The Times attributed with transforming the attitude of politicians and child-care professionals. “

This country seems to be slowly turning the corner and finally, finally, investigations have started and prosecutions have followed; a few prosecutions have followed. Too few.
This is not about race (the children raped can as easily be Asian as any other race), it is about children being abused, our children, and it must be stopped. The police, social services, councils, politicians, must stop hiding behind their walls of political correctness. They must stop refusing to take action in the interests of ‘community cohesion. Until they do, we will continue our protests because we know that where the police don’t succeed, and though they would never dream of admitting it, our demonstrations do. And if the police think that providing protection for our peaceful protesters is too expensive, maybe they should consider the fact that their cowardice is one of the main reasons why we have to demonstrate in the first place.
We are the EDL and we will not be silent. Join us, they are your children too.