Welcome to the official North East English Defence League Blog. Please use the 'contact us' form on the right if you have any enquiries or want to join us.

About us

Who are we? 

Are we really the violent drunken racist thugs which consists of extreme right wing fascists, Neo Nazis and football hooligans that the media are so fond of calling us, or are the press wrong? 
You decide.......

Look at any newspaper report or TV programme about the EDL, and you would be forgiven in thinking that we are all unemployable racists who are constantly drunk, like to fight and spend our spare time worshiping Hitler whilst targeting anyone who is not 'white'. 

However, we have found that when people have actually took the time to go and do their own research into us
(reading our mission statement HERE, listen to the speeches made at previous protests, attend your local EDL division 'meet and greet') that they realise, and are shocked that the media has actually been lying to them all this time. 

Lets take a look at the facts about the supporters within the NE EDL.

The media likes to portray us as male, aged between late teens to early 20's. 
We in the North East EDL have active supporters who are aged from pre-teens to OAP's. This can actually be confirmed by the (unexpected) fair media report the 'Evening Chronicle' wrote about our Newcastle regional protest on May 17th 2014... HERE
We also have an Angel (female) branch of the NE EDL, this branch of the NE EDL is continuing to grow at a steady rate with female activists and supporters of all ages due to the dedication to our cause shown by our current team of NE Angels. 

"When we travel to a demo our coaches are full of people from all walks of life, we dont discriminate on age, gender, race or sexuality". 

In these harsh times of economic growth our enemies love to shout that we are 'all unemployed', unknown to them there is only a tiny percentage of our current active supporters that through no fault of their own are unemployed at this time. We have a range of activists with a wide range of skills, the NE EDL is a working class movement, for the working class and ran by the working class.

One of the most common things we get accused of by the media and our left wing enemies is that we use a demo as nothing more than an excuse to have a drinking day out? Yet again this is incorrect and is used against us as to try and slander our good name and stop people from becoming interested in joining us. Fact of the matter is that very little alcohol is drunk on our journey either too or from any demo with most people preferring not to drink any alcohol at all, once you get involved and experience the natural high of the 'demo buzz' you will realise that you dont need, or want alcohol on demo day.

So is the NE EDL far right or racist??
Well I suppose that depends on what an individual feels constitutes someone as being a 'racist' or 'far right'.....If you believe that someone who feels proud of being English and being from the North East, who supports our royal family, fully supports all our armed forces past and present, has a genuine concern about his/her children's future, concerned about the wave of Muslim grooming and rape gangs that is currently sweeping through our area, someone who does not give a shit about the colour of a persons skin or what religion they follow is a far right racist, then yes we in the NE EDL must be 'racist'.

Full of football hooligans? This accusation makes us within the NE EDL laugh. The North East is well known throughout the country for its love of football, and also the bitter rivalry between the local fans. When you take that passion into account, do you really think that Newcastle/Sunderland/Boro and other NE firms would (or could) be able to travel together for hours without trouble flaring up between them?
The NE EDL is probably one of the only organisations throughout England where all NE football supporters stand and support each other no matter what team they follow.

So now you know about the type of people who make up the NE EDL and must be wondering why the media lie about us to you the public?
The answer to that is simple really, a lot of our mainstream and local media outlets are pretty 'Left wing' and will try and destroy anyone or any organisation who actually dares to stand up and say anything that is of a different view/opinion to theirs. If you don't believe they would do that then just watch the hate campaign the media will launch soon against UKIP due to their surge in popularity at the recent Euro elections.
We also have the other media (the worst kind) who will print a load of sensational lies and boldly state that 'we are going to attack muslims, smash up mosques etc..' Even though there has never been a mosque attacked at any EDL demo and we have never attended a demo just to attack muslims makes no difference to these type of sensationalist reporters. These type of reports are dangerous and only printed in the hope that it causes trouble and fighting, which if trouble does occur then the reporter gets his attention grabbing headline he is desperately craving.

NE EDL. Not racist, not violent, just no longer silent

1 comment:

  1. We welcome all to travel with us and to stand with us as the only credible voice of resistance against a violent secular evil cult. Please don't judge us come and learn about us.. Join our family,you will be made welcome.
