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Sunday, 15 June 2014

View: The last time the EDL demonstrated in Middlesbrough

The Gazette reported yesterday how the English Defence League (EDL) is planning to demonstrate in Middlesbrough later this month.

Cleveland Police officers are currently in talks with a number of groups over plans by members from as far afield as London and Scotland to gather in the town on June 28.

About 250 EDL supporters have already confirmed they are attending on Facebook - with organisers saying full details of the demo will be released “at a later date”.

The last time the organisation marched through the town - shown in the gallery above - was in July 2011.

Around 500 EDL supporters took part.

They moved from Gurney Street along Corporation Road, Albert Road, Borough Road before finishing on the grassy area in front of Teesside Crown Court.

In a counter-demonstration, the Unite Against Fascism group marched from the cenotaph by Albert Park along Linthorpe Road and finished at the junction between Binns.

There, a United Colours of Middlesbrough carnival was held, organised by For People Not Profit and the North of England Refugee Service.

Cleveland Police said at the time that one person was arrested for a public order offence as a result of the two demonstrations.


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Police in talks with EDL as plan to demo in Middlesbrough

A poor and lazy media article about our protest in Boro on the 28th. As usual we are called 'far right', 'racist' and have no say whatsoever. The reporter states that 'the EDL could not be contacted for comment', that alone is a lie as it was us who contacted them to make them aware that we were holding a demo in Boro.
Anyway here is the shambles of a report wrote by the Northern Echo.....

POLICE are in talks with far-right activists over plans for hundreds of marchers to take to the streets of Teesside at the end of the month.

Members of the English Defence League (EDL) from as far afield as London and Scotland are planning to gather in Middlesbrough on June 28.

About 250 EDL supporters have already confirmed they are attending on Facebook, with organisers saying full details of the demo will be released "at a later date".

It is understood they may try to march through some of Middlesbrough's ethnic minority areas, finishing at the war memorial.

Counter demonstrations are also being planned by groups opposed to the EDL.

This evening (Tuesday) Cleveland Police said an EDL representative had contacted the force, but stressed no firm plans had been put in place.

"Groups have a lawful right to gather or protest in a peaceful manner and Cleveland Police will plan for and try to facilitate such events," said Supt Mark Thornton. "We are aware that other groups have expressed their intention to gather and express their own views that day however, as yet, no representatives have come forward to give police a clear indication of their intentions for that day.

"Finally we are in contact with a number of community groups from across Middlesbrough to reassure them of our commitment to the day passing off peacefully, without incident, and with minimal disruption to residents of and visitors to Middlesbrough.

"I would stress that anyone coming to Cleveland with the intention of taking part in anti-social or criminal behaviour will be dealt with robustly."

While the EDL could not be contacted for comment, John Bloom, a spokesman for Teesside Solidarity Movement, said he wanted to ask the "real decent people" of Middlesbrough and Teesside to stand side by side in solidarity against the organisation.

"Let us show those who want to divide us by race and colour that we will have none of it," he said.

"Ours will not be an angry mob like theirs, but a celebration together of what is good about Teesside folk, standing together against the racism. We need to get out in numbers, sing, dance, march, ignore them and unify ourselves together.

"We are all colours and creeds together, just Boro folk trying to get along and make a life together.

"Middlesbrough is a town that was built by incomers, the Irish who built the docks, the Scots who came to work at the steelworks, the West Indians and Asians who came to work in our health service.

"On the 70th anniversary of the D Day Landings we were reminded of the price that we pay when we allow people to try to set us apart from each other by race and religion. Never again."

He said the details of the solidarity parade were being finalised


Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Sunderland woman burned, stabbed and bit children

A WOMAN who rubbed chilli into a schoolgirl’s eyes and private parts has been put behind bars.

Rahma Sultana carried out a campaign of sickening violence on two victims, who have been left scarred for life.
Newcastle Crown Court heard one girl was burnt with hair straighteners, bitten on the hands, hit over the head with a glass bottle, had chilli powder rubbed in her eyes and fresh chilli rubbed into her private parts.

A second, younger girl was stabbed with a pen, bitten, burnt with straighteners and punched.

Judge Simon Hickey said the brutal behaviour was “inexcusable” as he sentenced Sultana to two and a half years behind bars for child cruelty.

Sultana, 35, of Killingworth Drive, Sunderland, had denied child cruelty but was found guilty after a trial.

Her denials meant the scared victims had to relive their ordeal from the witness box and be branded liars.

The judge added: “Those children were called, effectively, liars and that they had fabricated their accounts when quite the reverse was true, it was you who was the liar.

“In my judgment you are a manipulative, devious woman. You never owned up to what you should have done, and you put those children through the second ordeal of giving evidence.”

The court heard both girls have been left with permanent scars on their bodies.

One medic said in a statement: “Unfortunately, the scars are permanent and a reminder of this ill treatment.”

Sultana was arrested when the older victim told a member of staff at her school what had been going on.

Prosecutor Katherine Dunn told the court the victim spoke about incidents of physical abuse and the fact she had chillies rubbed into her eyes.

Miss Dunn said there were incidents when the victim was slapped, had a fresh chilli held against her private parts and had her hands bitten and hair pulled.

Both girls bravely detailed their ordeals to police.

The second youngster told how during the assaults she would be stabbed with a pen.

Miss Dunn said the girl revealed Sultana would break the skin and move the pen around, leaving numerous scars across her shoulder blades.

When Sultana was confronted by officials over what she had done she “wailed and prayed”.

Tom Moran, defending, said Sultana had hoped to become a doctor.

References to the court from members of her local community, including the Sunderland Bangladeshi Centre manager, spoke of her being highly thought of and “polite and courteous”.


Another attempted abduction/rape in Newcastle

The following statement is being post on facebook by the boyfriend of the young lady who was attacked.

"This is my girlfriends neck, after someone Attacked her in Newcastle a few days back. ...

This is not a sympathy post, simply an 'awareness' post to let any ladies who may be out alone to please be VERY careful, especially in the Ouseburn area of Byker, Newcastle and surrounding parts.

The attack happened about 6:10pm on Thursday evening as She was grabbed by the neck, dragged up some stairs and nearly led to somewhere out of sight.

The attacker was a MALE, Black, 6ft 2 with beard. Navy blue hoody, right ear pierced and yellow and black trainers.

Thankfully, this incident was stopped before anything seriously drastic happened but it was heading that way. Please share this post to raise awareness of the cowards and scum that are around 

Very shook up and upset, please be careful all you young ladies who may walking out alone."