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Sunday, 12 April 2015

Demo relocation news

The English Defence League has relocated its 9 May demonstration from Woolwich to Walthamstow.

And we have broadened the purpose of the demonstration to embrace more aspects of the continuing assault from Islamification in the UK. We will, of course, continue our campaign to have a permanent commemorative memorial located at the site where Fusilier Lee Rigby was killed almost two years ago.
But our May 9 demonstration will not be as limited in scope as we had planned for Woolwich. The quiet respect that would have characterised our Woolwich demonstration to commemorate the fallen soldier will be replaced by a vigorous march and a forceful set of hard-hitting speeches. Two days after the General Election, we will be reinforcing the need for government action across a wide range of issues:
• the grooming and abuse gangs
• the continuing spread of mosques
• the heightened pressure to permit sharia law to edge its way into the UK
• the radicalisation of young UK Muslims
• the intrusion of unlabeled halal foods
• uncontrolled mass immigration
• the failure to act against female genital mutilation
• the corruption of our school curriculum by a misguided focus on diversity
• and the political correctness and timidity that allow all these to flourish.
These are all issues of concern across the country, but they have been downplayed by politicians and the media. We will keep ALL these issues on the national agenda.
And of course we will always remember the murder of Lee Rigby and all that it signifies about what needs to be corrected in this country.

Three Newcastle muslim men appear in court in connection with Operation Sanctuary

Mohammed Khalique, Nadeem Aslam and Jahangir Zaman from Newcastle faced allegations including rape and drug supply

Three more men have appeared in court charged with offences including rape and drug supply as part of Operation Sanctaury.

Jahangir Zaman, 41, of Hadrian Road, in Fenham, was in the dock accused of two counts of rape and one of supplying mephedrone.

Mohammed Khalique, 23, of Beaconsfield Street, Arthur’s Hill, was facing allegations of rape and administering a substance with intent to stupefy/overpower to allow sexual activity.

Nadeem Aslam, 41, of Belle Grove West, Spital Tongues, Newcastle, was accused of permitting the use of his premises for supply of a class B drug and supplying mephedrone.

The men appeared separately for brief hearings at Newcastle Magistrates’ Court on Monday, where Zaman and Khalique entered no pleas to all their charges.

Aslam pleaded not guilty to the two allegations he faces.

Fiona Varley, prosecuting, said the charges were all related to Operation Sanctuary and should be sent to the crown court to tie-up with other defendants who are already going through the court process.

Ms Varley said: “This is part of Operation Sanctuary, so it’s not suitable for this court.

“There are other matters in relation to this at the crown court and I would ask for it to go there.”

None of the defending solicitors made an representations.

District Judge Bernard Begley said: “You will next appear at the crown court on April 7.

“You must be there for 9.45am. If you fail to attend, you could be fined or sent to custody. If you breach any of your bail conditions, you could also be sent to custody.”

Aslam, Kalique and Zaman were each released on conditional bail to next appear at Newcastle Crown Court on April 7.

A further man facing charges in connection with Operation Sanctuary didn’t attend at Newcastle Magistrates’ Court but had his case sent to Newcastle Crown Court in his absence.

Abdul Khayum, 23, of Hampstead Road, Benwell, is charged with two counts of rape.

Northumbria Police launched Operation Sanctuary in January 2014 with a wave of arrests after receiving a report expressing concern for one girl.

But as the investigation continued detectives discovered a widespread problem of vulnerable women and girls being abused.

And Operation Sanctuary was subsequently broadened to include all incidents of females being sexually assaulted after being targeted because of their vulnerability.

Is Britain losing the war against radical Islam?

Some stories are almost too predictable. Take this one.

Three schoolgirls from Britain disappear to Syria, apparently in order to join Islamic State and become ‘jihad brides’, or more precisely ‘jihad rape prizes’. There is a huge public outcry. In particular the families of the girls – and others in the Muslim communities – ask why the police did not know that these girls were planning to go to Syria. Before long Keith Vaz – never one to miss the lowest form of bandwagon – hauls police chiefs in front of his Parliamentary committee. There the police chiefs are made to apologise for not knowing the movements of the three schoolgirls. There is also much talk of the need for the British police to ‘rebuild trust’ from Muslim communities in the wake of this appalling oversight.

And then, piece by piece, the real story comes out. An early sign that something was not right could be spotted in the croc idea that the Muslim communities of Great Britain – whose leadership have spent recent years campaigning against any and all surveillance on Muslim communities in the UK – in fact expect the British police to keep such a close eye on young Muslims that they should know their intentions and movements better than the people who sleep in the room next door (ie. their own families). Sure enough it then turns out that the lawyer representing the families turns out to himself epitomise the problem. Tasnime Akunjee, who has spent recent weeks berating the police for their ‘failures’ turns out to be a man who has previously said that British Muslims should not cooperate with the British police – a very commonly expressed opinion among British Muslims. He also turns out to believe that the security services ‘created’ Michael Adebolajo who killed Drummer Lee Rigby.

Then there is another discovery — about the families of the girls, that is the people who seem to believe that the British police should know more than they do about the movements of their own daughters. In the last day we have discovered something very interesting about the father of one of the girls – a certain Mr Abase Hussen.

Just last month Mr Hussen gave evidence to Keith Vaz’s Parliamentary Committee. Indeed the committee’s report, released last week, quotes Mr Hussen’s evidence. As part of a fairly slick PR campaign Mr Hussen was also recently photographed holding a teddy bear and implying that Islamic extremism was a totally alien thing to his daughter, the 15 year old Amira Hussen. But now it turns out that the story is quite different. Some people have looked again at footage from a demonstration in London in 2012. Was this a rally calling for peace and harmony? Nope. It was a rally organised by Anjem Choudary and was a full-throated extremist rally, with burnings of American flags and everything.

Footage from this rally shows the same Mr Hussen without his teddy bear. Indeed he is marching at the front of the protest, behind a banner that says, ‘The followers of Mohammed will conquer America’. An American flag is being burned just in front of him, and also in attendance is one of the killers of Drummer Lee Rigby, Michael Adebowale.

I don’t suppose that Keith Vaz will have any sleepless nights or reconsider his grandstanding. I don’t suppose the British police will feel confident enough to ask for any type of apology, and I doubt anyone will ask for one on their behalf. But this little story funnily enough contains a microcosm of one of the most significant manias of our time. It was rather well summed up the other day in part of a piece by Newt Gingrich titled ‘We’re losing the war against radical Islam’:

‘We have been refusing to apply the insights and lessons of history, but our enemies have been very willing to study, learn, rethink, and evolve.

‘The cultural jihadists have learned our language and our principles — freedom of speech, freedom of religion, tolerance — and they apply them to defeat us without believing in them themselves. We blindly play their game on their terms, and don’t even think about how absurd it is for people who accept no church, no synagogue, no temple in their heartland to come into our society and define multicultural sensitivity totally to their advantage — meaning, in essence, that we cannot criticize their ideas.

‘Our elites have been morally and intellectually disarmed by their own unwillingness to look at both the immediate history of the first 35 years of the global war with radical Islamists and then to look deeper into the roots of the ideology and the military-political system our enemies draw upon as their guide to waging both physical and cultural warfare.’

Mr Hussen came to this country from Ethiopia and used at least part of his time here to denounce this country and campaign to radically change it. When something happens to his family his first instinct is to attack the authorities of the country which has given him sanctuary. That is not of course surprising. What is surprising is that our societies are at such a stage of weakness that we assume that it is the institutions of our society that have gone awry rather than anything closer to the girls’ home.

There are reasons for this. Perhaps we genuinely think that only Britain and British institutions can be guilty. Perhaps we think it might be more complicated than that, but look out at the situation we have allowed to come about, think ‘crumbs’ (or words to that effect) and try to delay the realisation a bit longer. Or perhaps we’re just suicidal. A society that reacts in the way ours has to the disappearance of these three schoolgirls, and sucks up the claims of their families and legal representatives so completely happily is, I think, suffering from that final possibility.

LINK: Click

Five arrested on suspicion of human trafficking

Police have arrested five people on suspicion of human trafficking offences.

A man and a woman, both of Slovakian nationality, attended a police station in Newcastle early in the morning of March 29th. They informed police that they had been subject to human trafficking and that they were being exploited for work.

Enquiries were carried out and later that day officers arrested two men aged 22 and 38, and three women aged 24, 18 and 37, on suspicion of trafficking people into the UK for exploitation. They have been bailed pending further enquiries.

Northumbria Police said enquiries were ongoing and asked for people with information to contact them.

The Salvation Army human trafficking helpline can also be contacted in order to report instances of human trafficking on 0300 303 8151.